Monday, February 16, 2009

baby's first TWO pictures..

so apparently every time we go to the doctor, we get to see the baby, and hear the heart beat!
the doctor is also recording on DVD, each ultrasound for us.. so in the end, or whenever we wish to close out one CD.. we will have the ultrasound/heartbeat on DVD!!! :)
being that marc and I are both in love with photography.. we were pretty excited for the first two photos of the babY!

pretty cooL!

here is baby's first photo ever!! at 6 weeks.
you can see how tiny the baby was at 6 weeks......

and how fast he/she is growing each week..
here is the second photo at: 9 weeks, and 1 day. (starting to look more human!)


Laura Looney said...

Congratulations Stacey!! How exciting!

suzspeaks said...

i love that little baby

About Me

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los angeles, california, United States
loving bride to a handsome groom. anxious mamma to a beautiful creation. photography goddess. internet nerd. sister. daughter. lover. peacemaker. earth lover. dream seeker. music listener. painter. snow queen.


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