Monday, July 27, 2009

the growing belly....

since i have yet to update in quite sometime i really am at a loss of where to start, so in order to "start fresh" i will post a plethora of belly pics i have taken over the past months.. :)
shes growing big! our last appointment was last week at 32 weeks, and Zoe was measuring at 4.3 lbs, and covering her face from the camera as if she was pretending to be camera shy!.. we'll see about that one.
we have been busy working on her room (pics and post to come soon!).. and relaxing the last few weeks sans a little baby girl.. we are getting very ansey to meet her and for the next phase in our lives..
enjoy the photos.. i know I'M HUGE ;) im reminded daily.

first prego pic, week 4 , the day after we found out :)....

yes i am eating a carrot here...

33 weeks... and growing...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pics. They are so special to the new Dad and Mom as well as those around you that love all 3 of you.

Love you bunches and a hug around the neck


suzspeaks said...

I love that belly.... and you!

Tammy said...

You're stunning!!

Anonymous said...

You look precious! Can't wait to see pics of your little one when she arrives.

megan said...

you are so cute! And, I don't think you are huge...I mean, that's a big ol' round belly, but it's perfect! And you don't look like you have gained an ounce anywhere except your belly. You look amazing!

Ashley said...

I didn't know you had a blog! Suzanne sent me your way! You are an adorable little pregnant lady! :) You must be so excited for her to get here!

Kayla said...

How cute! I love baby belly's!

Pa Pa G said...

Love the pics. We are getting excited to meet Zoe. Your going to be a wonderful mom.
Love you

Jacob and Amy Hall said...

I love how the first 11 pictures you don't look pregnant and then all the sudden, theres a belly. You look so cute pregnant! Hope you are feeling ok.

OK Chick said...

You look great! Thanks for sharing for the pictures.

About Me

My photo
los angeles, california, United States
loving bride to a handsome groom. anxious mamma to a beautiful creation. photography goddess. internet nerd. sister. daughter. lover. peacemaker. earth lover. dream seeker. music listener. painter. snow queen.


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